
Know Our Herbs


Indian Berberry

English Name:- Indian Berberry

Botanical Name:- Berberis aristata


Parts- Used:- Root bark, Stem, wood and fruits.

Habit:- A large decidous spiny herb, 6-12 feet high, Flowrs golden yellow.

Taste:- Bitter

Chemical Constituents:- Plant Contains: About eight types of alkaloids like Berbrine,  Oxycanthine, Berbamine, Palmatine, jatrorrhisine, Columbamine, Berberrubine  Hydrastine but Berberine Oxycanthine and Berbamine are more important also contains  gum & starch; Fruit Contains: Malic acid, Tarteric acid and citric acid.

Actions:- Astringent alternative, Anti fertility, Antibacterial, Antitonic, Stomachic,  Antipyretic, Rejuvenator, Blood purifier, Laxative, Wound healing.

Used In:- Malaria, Indigestion, Skin disease, Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Jaundice,  Severe diarrhea, Cholera Effective Control over gastroenteristis in children; Snake bite  liver and spleen megaly mainly used in eye, ear, oral cavity disease. 


  • The powder of this herb is the best tonic for liver and supports immune system.
  • It is one of the best natural remedy for piles.
  • It is a recommended supplement for curing itching.
  • It scrapes out the toxins, burns fat and a dietary supplement for detoxification and  weight loss.
  • Its powder is a good healer for all types of ulcers, reduces inflammation and ulcer pain.
  • It is the best supplement for diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
  • This powder is useful in all conditions which cause pain in ears, eyes and mouth.
  • Dried extract of its roots supplements vision and is an excellent medication in case of  sun blindness and cures eye disease like conjunctivitis. 
  • It is highly beneficial in bacterial dysentery, jaundice and other liver disorders.
  • Its powder is almost equal to quinine and Warburg’s tincture and has no side effects.
  • Its stem is said to be diaphoretic and laxative and useful in rheumatism.
  • A very valuable preparation called Rasaut is prepared from this plant which is used as a  purgative, as a blood purifier and a tonic. It is used for washing piles, sores and swellings.   
  • Vaginal discharges are treated by the doucheprepared from this herb.
  • It is used in the treatment of typhoid, common fever and also in chronic fevers.
  • It cures recurrent malaria when malaria parasites hide in the liver and quinine is not 


Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on the site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of this herb have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concern you should consult with your health care practitioner before self administering this herb.

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