English Name:- Fiveleaved chaste Tree (Indian Privet)
Botanical Name:- Vitex negundo Linn.
Parts- Used:- Whole plant, Leaves, Fruits and seeds.
Habit:- A small shrubby tree, about 6-20 feet high, White hairy, branches are square. Leaves compound, 3 to 5 leaflets terminal leaflet larges long lateral leaflets are small & sessile. Flowers bluish purple. Fruits globular blackish of terripening.
Taste:- Bitter.
Chemical Constituents:- Plant Contains:- Volatile oil, Alkaloids (Nergundin and Hydrocotylon) Vitamin-C, Carotene, Flavon, Tannic acid, Hydroxy benjoic acid, Resin, Mallic acid.
Actions:- Aromatic, Tonic, Analgesic, Expectorant, Vermifuge, Anti-inflammatory, Stomachic, Carminative, Rejuvenator, Diuretic, Anthelmintic.
Used In:- Acute Rheumatism, Cough, Fever, Pain, Indigestion, Flatulance, Leprosy, Ulcer, Heaviness of head, Dullness of hearing, Spleeno megaly; Seeds are significantly anti-inflammatory.
Main Uses Of Fiveleaved Chaste Tree
Specific Usages
Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on the site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of this herb have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concern you should consult with your health care practitioner before self administering this herb.
– See more at: https://www.deewal.com/Fiveleaved_chaste_Tree_indian_Privet.aspx#sthash.rmFsHeLc.dpuf