English Name:- Poplar Leaved Fig tree.
Botanical Name:- Ficus religiosa.
Family:- MORACEAE.
Parts Used:- Bark, shoot, Leaves & Fruit.
Habit:- A large deciduous tree with gray bark leaves are cordate with large petiole.
Taste:- Sweet-Astringent.
Chemical Constituents:- Bark Contains: Tannin.
Actions:- Antibacterial, Anthelmintic, Laxative, Antiviral, Blood purifier, Wound healing.
Used In:-In fusion of Barkin Ulcer, Skin disease, Aquous extract (Bark is anti bacterial, Anthelmintic; Decoction in: Twig in: Skin disease, Antifungal; Young leaves Crushed with wet flour of wheat applied on eruptions and swellings; seeds are laxative, if taken three days during, Menstruation, Sterilizes women for long time.
It is used to treat about fifty types of disorders some of which are as under
Gout:- Its roots are effective in treating gout problems. They also reduce inflammation.
Constipation:- Its leave are used for treating constipation problems.
Gum diseases:- Roots of the tree are chewed to prevent gum diseases.
Wounds and bruises:- A paste of its leaves can be directly applied on boils, bruises and wounds. It effectively treats them.
Swollen glands:- The roots of this tree are used for treating swollen lymphatic glands and neck problems.
Upset stomach:- Its fruits improves digestion and remove the upsets of stomach. The powdered form of the fruit can be consumed with a glass of milk.
Dehydration:- Fresh fruit of this tree is useful in eliminating dehydration.
Skin diseases:- The latex of this tree combined with the juice of its roots is helpful in treating various skin diseases like eczema, warts, leprosy, rheumatism, ringworm, fungal diseases and athlete’s foots.
Safety precautions
It is always advisable to use this herb after consulting a medical practitioner over doses may lead to serious complications.
Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on the site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of this herb have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concern you should consult with your health care practitioner before self administering this herb.