
Know Our Herbs


Chlorophytum borivillanum

English Name:- White musale.

Botanical Name:- Chlorophytum borivillanum.


Parts Used:- Fleshy Roots and tubers.

Habit:- A small herb becomes cons picuous after rainy season; when it flowers leaves are  flat ribbon shaped and 15 inch long.

Taste:- Tasteless.

Chemical Constituents:- Roots contains:- Steroids, Resin, Phenolics, Tannins, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.

Actions:- Cooling, Diuretic, Aphrodisiac, Tonic.

Used In:- Diarrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Dysentery, Gonorrhoea, Seminal debility and General  debility.


  • It is a very popular aphrodisiac agent and has no side effects. It enhances male potency and overcomes signs of fatigue. 
  • It increases the count of sperms.
  • It is known as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions. Its roots are used to strengthen the general immunity of the body.
  • Its roots have been used as a nutritive tonic for sexual weakness since ancient times.
  • Duringpregnancy it acts as a nutritive tonic both for mother and fetus and replenishes the body fluids during the post partum stage.
  • It improves the quality and flow of breast milk in feeding mothers.  
  • It controls and prevents obesity and its side effects.
  • It enhances the activities of Vitamin C and anti-oxidant enzymes.
  • This plant is used for curing diabetes and arthritic conditions.
  • It is also beneficial in the treatment of natal and post natal problems.
  • Its regular use increases HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).
  • It rejuvenatesthe productive system, prevents pre mature ejaculation and is used to curechronic leucorrhoea.


Higher doses may, however, lead to gastro intestinal upsets. 


Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on the site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of this herb have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concern you should consult with your health care practitioner before self administering this herb.

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