
Know Our Herbs


Bryophyllum calycinum

English Name:- Life plant/Stonecrop.

Botanical Name:- Bryophyllum calycinum.

Parts- Used:- Leaves and its juice.

Habit:- A perennial stout erect herb with simple or pinnate type of fleshy leaves with  crenate margin opposite flowers tubular and red.

Chemical Constituents:- Leaves contains Alkanes, Hentriacontaine, Tricontane, Alpha  and Beta amyrin, Beta-sitosterol, Fumaric acid, Mallic acid, Citric acid, Quercetin,  Kaempferol, Calcium sulphate, Acid tartrate of potassium and calcium oxalate.

Actions:- Wound healing, styptic, Astringent, Stimulant.

Used In:- Polyuria, Disuria, Ulcers, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Tuberculosis, Roasted  crushed leaves, Applied externally to wounds, Cuts, Ulcers, Bite of venomous insects, 


  • Because of the medicinal usages, this herb is grown in most of the houses.
  • Chewing (2-3) leaves or drinking the extract of leaves twice a day is very good for  removing kidney and multiple small gall bladder stones.
  • The fresh leaves juice is highly beneficial for liver problems and jaundice.
  • Regular chewing (2-3) leaves of this herb twice a day lowers down high blood pressure,  increases urine flow, cures disuria and other urinary problems.
  • Warm leaves of this herb applied externally at the affected area removes inflammation,  joint pain in arthritis, cures wounds and removes sprain.
  • Putting a few drops of the juice extracted from yellow leaves of this herb removes ear  pain and cures ears discharge. 
  • Taking two table spoonfuls of the juice of the leaves of this herb twice a day cures  leucorrhoea and cholera.
  • Washing the unhealing wounds with the boiled water of the leaves of this herb cures  them and stops their bleeding.
  • Mix 3ml juice of the leaves of this herb with 3gm jeera and 6gm ghee and take regularly  for a few days cures blood mixed diarrhea.
  • Mix leaf juice of this herb with black pepper and take regularly for a few days cure piles and Haemorrohoids.
  • External use of the leaves of this herb is beneficial in the bite venomous insects.
  • The extract of the leaves cures the bleeding of intestines.

Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs provided on the site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of this herb have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concern you should consult with your health care practitioner before self administering this herb.

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